Blog Journal #5

     With my early experiences with Twitter, I have just simply created my account for the most part. I have followed my peers, my professor, some school-related sources, and some important K-12 schooling accounts. I feel as I have more time inside of Twitter, I will have more sources to view and interact with. Especially relating to the school that I work with, the state I teach in, my fellow teachers, and more.

    The digital divide affects student success inside of the classroom by putting some students at a disadvantage with the minimal positives they can receive from technology integration. Some causes are technology illiteracy or ignorance from teachers, improper teaching to the students, not using tech as a tool and having it serve as a distraction, and more. Some things I may experience as a teacher are students who don't understand technology. This will make it so I have to take a more barebones approach to approach with no tech knowledge in mind and teach both the software, the application, and the subject all at the same time.

    Two tools I plan on using inside of my future classroom are Google Classroom and Padlet. I plan to use Google Classroom because it embeds the Google Ecosystem well with students and teachers. It makes uploading lectures and assignments, giving feedback and receiving comments and questions, and giving tests extremely easy. With Padlet, I feel that having the ability for students to make a showcase, as well as having group discussions that allow for student comments and responses with teacher interactions is a platform that is powerful.
