Blog Journal #10

     I think that I plan to use data collection tools as a teacher to see student satisfaction with assignments. Teaching is more than preparing students for tests, as it is about having students learn and retain information. If the lesson is more interactive and enjoyable, then the students will keep the lesson information. So, I would use this kind of tool after a lesson and have students rate the enjoyment and if they retained the info from the lesson.

    I found the different ways each person formatted their blog interesting. A lot of people tended to blur each question together and not separate each question, which made it a bit more "chunky". I liked how some people have their text separated. As well, I liked how people had different individual experiences. It made each individual blog more interesting and left a lot of answers for one question available.

    A tech-related skill that I would like to learn is how to be more efficient in my creation of assignments / PowerPoints. I want to achieve this goal because it will make lesson creation more efficient. As well, it will also allow more feedback for students and less time spent on lesson planning. I will do this by trial and error, since that is the best way to find the most efficient way. As well, I can look up efficiency tips to assist me.
