Blog Journal #4

     The ELA technology standard I took was LAFS.8.SL.2.5, which is to apply multimedia tools into presentations. This includes using photo and video programs, including audio and video files, applications that make presentations digitally, and other visual or audial aids for presenting. I feel prepared to implement this standard because I am knowledgeable about how to create audio and video files and applications to use this. As well, I have a good set of tools in my PLN with Google's programs (like slides), Canva, Prezi, and more. So in all, I feel prepared to be able to implement this standard.

    I feel like these resources can be used in my teaching by being a guideline for what needs to be taught. Each of these are important for students to learn in order to succeed in their future. Therefore, using all of these standards gives a broad concept for what needs to be taught. This gives the chance for lesson plans to be made based on these standards that covers each of them and ensures mastery of each subject.

    Internet searching is important as both a teacher and a student. It is important because the internet is one of the most easily accessible and broadest searches of knowledge that many have the chance to use. I feel like I will be using the skill to look up free-use images much more because when making content to be posted in any way, it's important for me to be able to use and not have legal issues when creating anything online. I actually knew about all of the information we learned this week, some of it was just a refresher.
