Blog Journal #1

    My name is Mason and I was born in Florida, live in Cincinnati, Ohio, and attend Florida State University. I am an English Education major and I plan on becoming a middle school English teacher (7th or 8th grade). I coach children age five to seventeen ninja and parkour and have since 2020. Some hobbies I have are collecting jewelry, skateboarding and longboarding, and PC as well as keyboard building.

    My prior experiences using technology in an educational setting are limited. However, I have taken one online course about educational technology before. Inside of that class, I learned that technology is used to add elements not accessible without tech, increase accessibility, engagement, and community, and more. I also learned about different educational tools and practiced creating some educational content.

    Some of my PLNs (personal learning networks) include my professors and the people at my school within my major. The tools in my PLN are the Google ecosystem, including Forms, Docs, Slides, Classroom, and more. Some of the organizations include my work, which has coaches and students K-12 within it. I don't have many online connections through Twitter, Instagram, and more, however, I am working through making those connections inside of my PLN, since I have only entered the teaching "realm" recently.
