Blog Journal #7

    I feel like having teacher pages on a website is helpful because it allows parents and students alike to communicate with the teacher with ease. I looked on two websites and the only information I found on the one I chose was the names of the teachers, the email addresses, and what they teach. I feel like a picture of the teacher or a small synopsis written by the teacher themselves would be useful additional information.

    I plan on using technology in the classroom to not only be more efficient, but to also give students feedback quicker. Firstly, using technology will definitely make grading more efficient since everything can be optimized online and taking the extra time to learn some programs will allow for faster grading. As well, it can make assigning homework, tests, and assignments faster than handing and printing out paper, rather than just clicking a button. As well, many education sites allow for feedback to be given on the teacher proctored sites, so that will allow students to receive feedback faster.

    When working on Assignment 2, I liked Canvas' HTML format and how the design of the website could make links easy, as well as connecting the pages together. I also liked the ability to create and share Google Docs and other files with other people using the page. I disliked how it was harder for those with less technological literacy to use the site and I found myself helping others more than working on the assignment. There were also multiple issues with sharing articles, as people were signed into their personal accounts rather than their FSU accounts, and names would disappear from the page occasionally.
